My blog is focused on what I saw, heard about, or encountered during my day. I ZOOM IN on things I find particularly interesting, beautiful, or humorous. My interests overlap and mesh in the fields of interior design, rehab, photography, architecture, color, and anything painted. Throw in salvage, bargain hunting, recycling and that summarizes what you are likely to find on this page.
This picture goes way back. The Black Walnut tree is still standing next to the driveway... ah, but that's a story for another time. This post is about the retaining wall. It is functional but definately not pretty.
Once the porch and deck were built, the wall looked shabbier than ever. Check the size of the Red Bud tree next to the deck.
Just had to throw in a couple pictures of the Red Bud tree in full splendor. These pictures were obviously taken several years later as the tree has matured considerably.
Forsythia and barberry bushes helped to distract the eye from the tacky wall. However, the wall started to rot and even though a few sections were replaced it was obvious that was not going to extend the life of the wall by much.
Finally it was just time to call it quits. The wall was removed and the area was prepared for a stone wall.
A new wall opened up the possibilites for fresh landscaping.
The landscaping took some time to plan and orchestrate.
An illusion of a fence defines the corner of the yard and keeps the lilac bush from branching over the sidewalk.
This area is about due for a makeover with the plantings. Although there are tulips in the Spring and a butterfly bush with lovely purple blooms, I would like more vibrant color. (No fair checking for weeds. It's tough to stay on top of that job.)
This was taken before the gorgeous red bud tree died so things are a little different today. The bench and hostas remain, the bench more worn and the hostas much larger.